“It’s A Whole New Beautiful World!”


Posted by lmhannon | Posted in Winter | Posted on January 13, 2012

Today was our first day with snow of any substance.  It was clear they knew it was expected because before noon (and ahem…during math instruction) the heads kept gazing out the window.  I can’t compete with beautiful snow.  Even I would find myself boring!  So, following lunch and recess I told them to go get it out of their system.

Comments (5)

You are amazing, I love this!

This is great! If only you could have stopped everything and let them write about what they would do in the snow if they weren’t in school, but of course they need to learn their math. 🙂

Thanks Mrs. Hannon, This is such a wonderful idea!
Seeing what goes on in the classroom puts a smile on my face during a long work day.

You’re welcome! It is going to be a lot of fun!

I loved this!

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