Sharing Jesus’ Light During Advent


Posted by lmhannon | Posted in Christmas | Posted on December 11, 2013

There are always a few papers I can’t quite interpret, but I always give the student the benefit of the doubt.

Advent  In this assignment, students were to think of ways to share Jesus’ light with others. I’m not quite sure what is happening here, but my first thought was that maybe a younger sibling was using an older sibling as a trampoline? Hmmmm…made them into a rug like one would a bear rug? An older sibling tossing a younger sibling into the air for fun? If it happens to be an older sibling helping a young sibling, well, I need to talk to Ms. Swihart about teaching proportion. What’s your guess? 🙂 They do entertain me! (Click the picture to enlarge…I think.)

P. S.  If that is an infant on the pink blanket, she/he has a really serious case of jaundice!

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